The Countdown!

Monday 18 February 2013

Training Schedule (Week Nine)

Week 8 Recap:
Week 8 went well, it was a bit of a more relaxed week apart from the Sunday which was a half marathon at race pace which I did within target at 1 hour 33 minutes and 19 seconds. However it is Monday now and I'm slightly worried about how my toe feels today, get a weird feeling when I lift my toes up and have possibly done some damage, I will take it easy over the next couple of days so I don't make it worse and I just hope it isn't something serious!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Sponsorship Letters

I just sent out lots of sponsorship letters to relatives and family friends so if you have come onto the blog because you read it in your letter, then a big welcome and thanks for taking a keen interest in what we're doing!

Make sure you read all the posts and check out the runkeeper profiles on the sidebar to see how my training has been going over the last 2 months.

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored us so far and thanks if you plan to in the near future!

Training Schedule Catch Up (Six - Eight)

Wow I've been very slack over the last couple of weeks! Not in my running though you will be glad to know, but in my updating of this blog! I do apologise (If anyone is even reading it anyway).

So the last couple of weeks have been going really well, had some really big runs including a 16 Mile and an 18 Mile on the last 2 Sundays! And although they were tough, it did give some confidence that I have the endurance to last the marathon, which is always good to know.

I'm writing this on Saturday so I have not yet completed week seven as I have to run a massive 20 mile tomorrow, and just about to get ready to go out in London so lets hope 20 miles with a hangover isn't an impossible task.

Here are the weekly schedules that I have yet to post including next weeks (Week Eight).