The Countdown!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Training Schedule Catch Up (Six - Eight)

Wow I've been very slack over the last couple of weeks! Not in my running though you will be glad to know, but in my updating of this blog! I do apologise (If anyone is even reading it anyway).

So the last couple of weeks have been going really well, had some really big runs including a 16 Mile and an 18 Mile on the last 2 Sundays! And although they were tough, it did give some confidence that I have the endurance to last the marathon, which is always good to know.

I'm writing this on Saturday so I have not yet completed week seven as I have to run a massive 20 mile tomorrow, and just about to get ready to go out in London so lets hope 20 miles with a hangover isn't an impossible task.

Here are the weekly schedules that I have yet to post including next weeks (Week Eight).

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