The Countdown!

Monday 21 January 2013

Training Schedule (Week Five)

Week Four Recap: Because of weeks three's intensity and just the fact that we have racked up so many miles in such a short period of time, I personally wasn't feeling great at the start of this week, Monday's run is the easiest of the week and I felt both legs seizing up after I completed it. Because of this I decided I would take it easy at the beginning of the week and let my legs fully recover before putting them through anymore pain! This was all good, I got to Thursday, felt much better and had a nice 8 mile run, just as I'm feeling ready to get back into the schedule, it snows like hell meaning it's now too slippery to run over the weekend! Not great news but hopefully that will all clear for a nice solid week five! Not too sure how Dan got on as he has been forgetting to update his run keeper profile but I did have a chat to him and he's been doing a lot better than me this week although he too was forced not to run because of the weather.

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