The Countdown!

Monday 31 December 2012

Training Schedule (Week Two)

So you may have noticed that there hasn't been a training schedule (week one). This is because both me and Dan have not been doing any running what so ever for approximately 3 months before we found out we would be running in the marathon, so rather than jumping in the deep end and potentially causing an injury we decided to make up our own schedule for the first week (which you can track on our run keeper profiles found in the side bar) and we will get started with the proper schedule from at week two. We may not follow it religiously just yet depending how we feel when we're running just to give our legs a chance to catch up, but from week three we will be following it completely right up until week sixteen and the big race day!

Click Me

Our Training Paces

This is a small image containing all the paces for the different training sessions that we will be doing throughout our schedule. These paces are specifically set for someone targeting to complete the marathon sub 3 hours 15 minutes! Might sound slightly optimistic?  But we feel it's better to push ourselves in training to target this, than to not train hard enough and not reach our potential on race day.

Monday 24 December 2012

Track Our Progress

Don't forget that you can track our progress every step of the way with Runkeeper! You will find the Runkeeper activity box in the sidebar and from there you can be sent directly to either mine or Dan's Runkeeper profile. Here you can find every single training session we complete, showing distance, total time, average pace, elevation and more! There's even a map that shows you exactly where we chose to run! Check it out now and keep up to date with our training progress!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Sponsorship Poster

If you can share this image with your family members and friends to really spread the word that would be great! All the support is very much appreciated and we both would like to say a big thank you to everyone!

Warm up stage!

So because me and Dan have not been running regularly recently, we need to start our training pretty much from scratch! We only found out on Friday 21st of December that we had confirmed tickets to run so we went on our first run today, we went through South Norwood Country Park and totalled just over 3 miles. We are not looking for fast times at the moment we just need to get our mileage count up to get our bodies back into the routine of running!

Maybe next time we will just stick to the roads though

Marathon Map


Welcome to our new blog!

This is mine (James Randall) and Daniel Joyce's blog all about our London Marathon experiance from the very first training session to (hopefully) crossing the finish line on the 21st of April at the Virgin London Marathon 2013!

We will be running in aid of the Royal British Legion charity and hope to raise a combined amount of somewhere around £3500. We are creating this blog so we have something to look back on after we finish our intense training routines and the race itself, it's also a good opportunity for our friends and family to track our progress and show their support!

If you would like to sponsor me and Daniel for this epic marathon please follow this link to our Virgin Money Giving page where you can donate.

Any donation is welcome big or small and we very much appreciate anything you give.

Don't forget to subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with how we are getting on!
