The Countdown!

Sunday 23 December 2012


Welcome to our new blog!

This is mine (James Randall) and Daniel Joyce's blog all about our London Marathon experiance from the very first training session to (hopefully) crossing the finish line on the 21st of April at the Virgin London Marathon 2013!

We will be running in aid of the Royal British Legion charity and hope to raise a combined amount of somewhere around £3500. We are creating this blog so we have something to look back on after we finish our intense training routines and the race itself, it's also a good opportunity for our friends and family to track our progress and show their support!

If you would like to sponsor me and Daniel for this epic marathon please follow this link to our Virgin Money Giving page where you can donate.

Any donation is welcome big or small and we very much appreciate anything you give.

Don't forget to subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with how we are getting on!


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