The Countdown!

Saturday 20 April 2013

The Penultimate Day

Make sure you look out for me on the day! This is what i will be wearing.
Just heard the weather forecast and perfect weather conditions for the race, woop woop. Lets kick some ass!

Thursday 18 April 2013

2 days to go!

Hi guys

So with the big day getting closer and closer I thought I would give you a last update before the race about how everything is going.

So the ankle support didn't really help and I only managed a 9 mile run on the Sunday before last. After that i decided just to bite the bullet and go to see a physiotherapist at Crystal Palace's sports injury clinic. I went there last Friday and it was a very helpful and informative visit. Apparently the injury was caused from me having my running shoes too tight and restricting blood flow etc in my foot. That also caused all the toe problem that i wrote about a few weeks ago. I did read this on the internet when I first had the pain and since then I have loosened my shoes when I run and have seen a big improvement and I never get any pain through my foot and toe anymore but the pain around my ankle just never went away. She did tell me though that I can run on it and not cause any permanent/serious damage to my foot which is excellent news! So I will be pushing myself to the limit come Sunday and will just have to run through the pain :)

With all the ups and downs of marathon training I have come to realise how much I enjoy running and it is something I will continue to do long term, I'm already looking forward to my next marathon which will be in Bournemouth as I get a placement on the back of running the London Marathon. I'm also interested in running marathons in other major cities around the world and will look into entering those in the next few years.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading and everyone who has supported us and everyone who has sponsored us for this, we both really appreciate it!


Saturday 6 April 2013

I'm alive!

Hi guys! * embarrassed face*

I've been awful at keeping this blog going! I really thought no one was bothering to check it and kind of lost motivation to keep it going. Well I went 9 weeks so not that bad!

Well anyway I'm now posting this with 2 weeks and 1 day to go till the big day!!!! The sponsorship's have been coming in steadily and very generously so thanks to everyone who has donated so far!

My training has had its ups and downs. My earlier toe injury has completely gone away now after a lot of forum reading and changing a few things about my runs. However the front of my ankle has been playing up for the last few weeks and has been annoying me greatly! For the first time in any training session I actually had to stop! (18 mile run initially and stopped at mile 12). Not that it was impossible for me to carry on but it hurt enough to tell me that if i continued I might do some unnecessary damage.

So maybe I should have gone to see someone by now but I've just been carrying on, completing smaller runs and trying to rest it as much as possible. I bought a ankle support which I will be trying out this weekend when I try and complete another 18 mile run. Crossing fingers that after that I feel confident about the race.

I will run the marathon no matter what happens and I will literally have to have no legs left not to finish, I'm just slightly disappointed at this stage that I may not reach my potential in terms of what time I can complete it in. But oh well, these things happen and I'm not giving up yet! my target time is staying the same and I'm going to give it one hell of a go.

I will report back after my long Sunday run and let you know if the ankle support did it's job!
